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Dear Mayor Gerwig,
My name is
I proudly live in Wellington with my family, and I strongly oppose the Wellington North and South applications proposed by Mark Bellissimo.
The future and identity of Wellington is at risk if these development proposals are approved. I am extremely concerned about the increased traffic that will undoubtedly come along with such a high volume of residents in one small area. It is already difficult navigating the roadways when trying to get my children to school or sports activities or drive to work. Additionally, the school system will be pressured with overcrowding, and we are already suffering from a loss of educators willing to work in Wellington in part due to the housing costs. My family chose to live in Wellington specifically for the open space, good schools and quality of life created by the current character of Wellington which is the world-renowned equestrian community. Approving such increased density and removing land from the Equestrian Preserve will deprive us of what is unique and valued in our cherished community. Not only do we want to raise our families here but we aspire for our children to do the same. This special bond and connection we have with our neighbors will be jeopardized if Mark Bellissimo is allowed to desecrate it with a development plan that clearly does not have our best interest at heart. Our Village will not benefit from changing zoning that takes land from the Equestrian Preserve and significantly raises the density. I strongly urge you to deny The Wellington North and South applications.
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