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What's at Stake?
Wellington’s Equestrian Preserve must be protected from exploitation, overdevelopment and the consequences these proposed changes would bring. Critical to our residents, horses and the environment, the Equestrian Preserve consists of 9,000 acres of open green space, bridle paths, show grounds, and low-density housing, all dedicated to foster a pastoral equestrian-oriented community.
But now, a developer with a history of broken promises and failed projects in other communities is determined to change the community in which we live. His plan is to take open lands and fill them with condos, shopping centers and traffic jams. His proposal is vague and gives him enormous latitude and the power to destroy the distinctive character and beauty of the community. To add insult to injury, two thirds of the majority already voted to reject his last proposal and protect the preserve, a decision he is determined to override.
So now he claims to have come up with something new. In reality this new proposal is like putting lipstick on a pig.
Sign the Petition to Tell Village Council
Wellington North & South
- Let’s Talk Traffic!
- The applicant is using traffic data from 2017 yet The Village has exact traffic counts from 2023
- The new SportsPlex on South Shore will add 10x the traffic that was previously at that location – those traffic numbers were not included in the applications – A new SportsPlex in the middle of the Preserve?
- No traffic counts for the idea of an expanded horse show that would use Pierson and Gracida?
Which Wellington do we want to be?

Contact the Village Council Today and Say no to The Wellington North & South
We urge you to take action and help save Wellington. Our beloved village is facing a critical decision, and your voice matters. The proposed measure threatens the very fabric of our community, jeopardizing our values and way of life. We must stand together and make our concerns heard. Contact your Village Council members today, and cast your vote for a vibrant, united future. Say NO to the proposed measure and safeguard the essence of our village.

The Equestrian Preserve Area was Planned by the Founders of our Community to Provide a Unique Quality of Life for Residents and Economic Stability for our Community for Generations to Come.
Mark Bellissimo Leaves Behind Him a Trail of Broken Promises.

The Only Way to Stop This is to Make Sure Your Voice is Heard.
Get Involved.
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Are you concerned about the rapid changes happening in Wellington? Don’t just stand by, take action! By joining our newsletter, you become part of a collective effort to protect your neighborhood from unwanted development. Stay informed about zoning proposals, construction projects, and potential environmental threats. Our newsletter provides you with the knowledge and resources to engage in discussions, attend community meetings, and voice your concerns effectively. Together, we can preserve the unique character and charm of Wellington. Join our newsletter today and be a catalyst for positive change!